Robot use-cases

This is a list of possible use-cases for Relay’s Robot with several notable web3 projects, once Robot is able to perform on-chain interactions and is fully smart-contract integratabtle.

General Robot Use-Case Groupings:

Parse and Analyze

Robot can be used to analyze the state of the app, market, chain, public API information and draw conclusions, provide insights, rate strategies, identify opportunities or any other output generated by pondering a large body of app-related data.

Alerts and Notify

Robot can be used to help users stay up-to-date with the latest news and developments, as well as real-time updates about governance votes, positions, prices, rates, sales, or any other Robot-readable data the user configures an alert on.

Specific Web3 App Use-cases:


User could ask Robot to automate trading strategies, provide insight and analyze market trends.

Users can set up alerts for prices or any other queryable statistics from Uniswap.

Users can ask Robot to fetch datapoints from the Uniswap subgraph, such as collected fees for a position, current liquidity of a pool, volume on a certain day, and more.


Robot can interact with smart-contracts, send transactions, query transaction data, and stream real-time data.

Users can use Robot to access tutorials and guides from Alchemy University, set up wallets, create NFTs, interact with DeFi protocols and find dApps on the Alchemy dAppstore.


Users can use Robot to set up notifications for when new items are listed, sold, when items are updated or transfered, price levels, or any other metric queryable from Opensea.

Users can use Robot to search for and purchase NFTs, create collections, and manage wallets.

Users can use Robot to to pull collectible data from the OpenSea API.


Users could use Robot to interact with friends, post content, and manage their profile.

Users can configure content notifications with Robot.

Robot can be conveniently used to search existing content, or perform operations on the Lens social graph.


Robot can be used to establish seamless account abstraction through multi-wallet management. Create, use, and dispose of burner wallets as well as automated management of different wallet identities.

Robot can be used to analyze user’s transaction history and wallet activity, providing insights into their spending habits and other trends (think Mint)


Robot can be used to register and manage domains, query the ENS registry, and interact with smart contracts.



MakerDAO is an incredibly valuable and complex project, with the potential to transform finance as we know it. However, with great complexity comes great challenges - for users, it can be difficult to navigate and understand how to make the most of the platform. What if there was a framework that could make the user experience more intuitive and streamlined, while still retaining the power and flexibility of MakerDAO?

As a fully web3-enabled conversational AI interface, Relay Robot is uniquely positioned to help MakerDAO users overcome the challenges they face when interacting with the platform. Here's how:


With Robot, interacting with MakerDAO becomes as simple as having a conversation - users can easily access information and perform transactions, without having to wade through confusing interfaces and technical jargon.

********************************First, the Maker Platform. With Relay Robot's web3 capabilities, users can easily manage their collateral, generate Dai, and interact with the Maker Protocol, all through a simple conversational interface. No need to navigate complex smart contracts or worry about gas fees - Relay Robot takes care of it all.

********************************Second, the Maker Protocol. Relay Robot can provide real-time access to on-chain information, enabling users to make informed decisions about their collateral and Dai holdings. Plus, Relay Robot can help users keep up with changes to the protocol and make sure they're always on top of the latest developments.

Third, the Maker Governance Framework. Relay Robot can help MakerDAO stakeholders participate in governance by providing information on proposals, facilitating voting, and enabling communication between different stakeholders. With Relay Robot's help, MakerDAO stakeholders can make better decisions, faster.

********************************At the same time, Relay Robot can help MakerDAO scale - by reducing the friction of onboarding new users and making it easier to manage more complex transactions, MakerDAO can expand its user base and open up new opportunities for growth. By harnessing the power of conversational AI, MakerDAO can be even more accessible, usable, and valuable than ever before.

Overall, Relay Robot offers a powerful solution to the challenges faced by MakerDAO users. By providing a simple, conversational interface and real-time access to on-chain information, Relay Robot can help users manage their collateral, make informed decisions, participate in governance, and communicate with the Maker Foundation. So why not give Relay Robot a try and experience MakerDAO like never before?

Robot can serve as an intuitive interface to interact with Maker’s smart contract, providing automated customer service and helping users to understand and interact with Maker’s dApps.

Robot can be used to provide real-time updates on Maker, such as price changes, new features, DAI price, collateralization ratios, the current debt ceiling, and other important information.

Robot can be used to provide users with information and notifications about upcoming MakerDAO governance proposals, and to allow users to cast votes.



Robot can be used to help users interact with Optimism applications, providing transaction information, helping manage funds, and performing application support


  1. A user could query the Robot to set up a price alert on a Uniswap asset. Once the price of an NFT collection drops below a certain floor, the Robot would notify the user and assist them in performing the purchase if they choose.

  2. Robot interacting with Uniswap could be used to automate trading strategies, analyze market trends, and optimize liquidity pools. Additionally, AI could be used to monitor and detect suspicious activity on the Uniswap platform.

  3. With Robot, users can interact with Uniswap by querying the Uniswap V3 subgraph to fetch data points such as collected fees for a position, current liquidity of a pool, volume on a certain day, and more.


  1. Users can use Robot to automate tasks such as sending real-time notifications, creating whale alert bots, and streaming data,

  2. Robot can be used to interact with Alchemy in a variety of ways. For example, users can use conversational AI to interact with smart contracts, send transactions, query transaction data, and stream real-time data. Additionally, users can use conversational AI to access tutorials and guides from Alchemy University, set up wallets, create NFTs, and interact with DeFi protocols.


  1. Robot used with Opensea gives users the ability to search for and purchase NFTs, create collections, and manage their wallets. Additionally, users can use conversational web3-enabled AI to interact with the OpenSea API to pull collectible data, run a crowdsale for their items, and configure an existing project with OpenSea.

  2. Robot users can set up notifications for when new items are listed, when items are sold, when items are updated, and when items are transferred.


  1. Robot can leverage the user-owned social graph to provide personalized experiences and interactions. For example, a user could use Robot to interact with their friends, post content, and even manage their profile.

  2. Users can use Robot to interact with the Lens Protocol in a variety of ways. For example, to create and manage their profiles, follow other profiles, publish content, and receive notifications about new content. Additionally, developers can use Robot to build applications on top of the Lens Protocol.


  1. Robot can be used to establish seamless account abstraction through multi-wallet management. Robot can create, use, and dispose of burner wallets as well as maintain efficient partition between different wallet identities.

  2. Robot could be used to monitor the blockchain for transactions and alert the user when a transaction is detected. Additionally, Robot could be used to analyze the user's transaction history and provide insights into their spending habits.


  1. Robot can be used to register an ENS domain, as well as establish and manage subdomains. Users can query Robot to search data across ENS, and establish alerts for when certain domains are available or at a certain price level.

  2. Users can use Robot to register and manage domains, query the ENS registry, and interact with smart contracts. Additionally, Robot can be used to provide users with an intuitive and user-friendly interface to interact with the ENS platform.


  1. This could include using Robot to interact with the Polygon blockchain, such as creating transactions, querying data, and interacting with smart contracts.

  2. Robot on Polygon could potentially be used to automate the process of nominating validators and delegating stake. This could enable users to easily select validators based on their performance and reputation, and to quickly adjust their stake allocations as needed. Additionally, Robot interfaces could be used to provide insights into the network's performance and to help users make informed decisions about their staking strategies.


  1. RobotI could be used to interact with Maker in a variety of ways, such as providing users with an intuitive interface to interact with Maker's smart contracts, providing automated customer service, and helping users to understand and interact with Maker's dApps. Additionally, Robot could be used to provide users with real-time updates on Maker's platform, such as price changes, new features, and other important information.

  2. Robot could be used to provide users with information about the current state of the MakerDao system, such as the current Dai price, the current collateralization ratio, and the current debt ceiling. Additionally, Robot could be used to provide users with information about upcoming MakerDao governance proposals, and to allow users to cast their votes on those proposals.


  1. Robot can be used to interact with XMTP by abstracting away operations, such as key pair generation, key storage, key signing, relationship initiation, conversation initiation, message sending.

  2. XMTP creates the comms channels for Robot to be used.


  1. Robot can help users interact with their applications, such as providing information about their transactions, helping users manage their funds, and providing support for their applications. Additionally, developers can use Robot to create more efficient and secure applications, such as providing automated security checks and automated transaction processing.

  2. Robot connected to the Optimism network could provide a range of services, from automated customer support to automated trading. It could also be used to provide insights into the network, such as identifying potential issues or opportunities.


  1. Robot can be used to interact with POAP by providing users with an automated way to access POAP's API and documentation. This could include providing users with automated responses to questions about POAP's features, helping them to navigate the platform, and providing them with instructions on how to use the API to create their own applications. Robot could be also be used to help users understand the POAP ecosystem and its terminology, as well as to provide guidance on responsible POAP distribution.

  2. A Robot interface for POAP would enable users to interact with the POAP platform in a more natural and intuitive way. It would allow users to ask questions about POAP, such as how to mint a POAP, how to create a drop, or how to claim a POAP. It would also enable users to perform tasks such as creating a POAP drop, claiming a POAP, or transferring a POAP to another user. Additionally, Robot could provide users with helpful tips and advice on how to use the POAP platform.


  1. Robot for Aztec would enable users to interact with the Aztec Network in a more natural and intuitive way. It would allow users to access the network's features and services, such as creating and managing accounts, sending and receiving payments, and interacting with other protocols, without having to learn the technical details of the underlying technology. Robot could provide users with personalized advice and guidance on how to best use the network and its features.

  2. Providing users with an AI-powered assistant to help them navigate the Aztec Network, as well as providing AI-driven insights into their financial data. We are also exploring ways to use AI to improve the security of the Aztec Network by detecting and preventing malicious activity.


  1. Robot for Arbitrum could enable developers to interact with the Arbitrum platform in a more natural and intuitive way. This could allow developers to quickly and easily access documentation, deploy contracts, and interact with the Arbitrum network without having to learn the underlying code or technical details. Robot could provide developers with a more user-friendly way to interact with the Arbitrum platform, making it easier for developers of all skill levels to get started.

  2. Actions such as deploying and interacting with smart contracts, sending transactions, and querying the state of the Arbitrum blockchain.


  1. Actions such as depositing tokens, withdrawing tokens, checking their token balance, and viewing the details of their strategies.

  2. Robot could be used to help users interact with the platform, provide support, and answer questions about the project. Additionally, it could be used to provide automated trading advice, suggest strategies, and provide insights into the market.


  1. With Robot, users can quickly and easily create bounties, fund projects, and manage their workflow. Additionally, users can use Robot to ask questions about the project, get help with technical issues, and receive updates on the progress of their project.

  2. Robot can be used to set up notifications for specific activities, such as when a bounty is created or when a bounty is funded.

Wallet Connect

  1. It is possible to use Robot to interact with WalletConnect by using the protocol to send and receive messages between the two clients. This could be used to facilitate a more natural conversation between the two clients, allowing for a more user-friendly experience.

  2. With WalletConnect, users can interact with Robot to initiate a pairing session, send and receive JSON-RPC requests, emit notifications, and share blockchain accounts. Additionally, users can use Robot to securely sign transactions and messages, and to disconnect from the session.

Lit Protocol

  1. Robot can be used to store and access data, create and enforce access control conditions, and sign and verify transactions while abstracting away complexity.

  2. Users can interact with Lit Protocol using Robot to perform a variety of tasks, such as creating and managing access control conditions, encrypting and signing data, and verifying conditions. Additionally, users can use Robotto access and update conditions stored in Lit Protocol, as well as to create and manage unified access control conditions


  1. Robot can be used as a user-friendly interface for interacting with zkSync to easily access and manage digital assets, as well as research the state of the chain.


  1. Robot can be used with Sound to setup notifications for various events: New edition release, new token is minted, or when a transaction is completed.

  2. Robot users could perform a variety of actions such as creating digital collectibles, minting tokens, and retrieving token URIs. Additionally, users could explore the Sound Protocol, SDK, and API, as well as use the API Explorer to practice with live queries.

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